Attendance and Punctuality
At Spetisbury our expectation is for every child to attend school every day. We work together with parents in both a supportive and challenging way to achieve high levels of attendance and good punctuality.
Good attendance in school is hugely important in enabling children to achieve well at school. A child who misses a day of school per week misses an equivalent of two years of their education. Figures have shown that 90% of persistent, poor or non-attendees at a primary school age fail to achieve five or more good grades at GCSE and approximately one-third achieve no GCSEs at all. We do not want this outcome for any of your children.
At Spetisbury, our policy and procedures are rigorous and robust. They clearly set out the responsibilities of all stakeholders. Good attendance needs to be promoted by everyone in our community. We see it as a shared responsibility.
We understand that sometimes children are too ill to attend school. The NHS produce very useful information about whether your child is too ill for school. We ask all parents to follow this guidance. If your child does need to stay away from school, you must call the school office as soon as possible om the morning of their absence to let us know.