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CofE Primary School

Growing and maturing in our learning journey ‘They are like trees that grow beside a stream, That bear fruit at the right time, And whose leaves do not dry up, They succeed in everything they do’ Psalms 1:3


‘Do for others what you want them to do for you’ Matthew 7:12


‘Our love should not just be words and talk; it must be true love which shows itself in action’ 1 John 3:18


‘Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord’ Lamentations 3:40


‘The Lord is loving and merciful, slow to become angry and full of constant love’ Psalms 145 8:9


‘For the body itself is not made up of only one part, but of many parts’ 1 Corinthians 12:14


‘Happy is the person who remains faithful under trials’ James 1:12

The School Day

A Typical Day at Spetisbury


We strive to ensure that every child enjoys their time in school, feeling safe and making great progress.


8:30 The school day begins as the gate is open. The headteacher and other members of staff are at the gate to welcome each child into school. Children are able to enter their classrooms and have a settled start to their day. Some children may have some pre-teaching to ready them further.

8:45 The School Day Officially Starts and children start their learning for the day.

8:50 Early Morning Work and Registration: We expect all children to settle into their learning through some early morning activities. These activities help improve their skills and also prepare for the day as they are welcomed in through registration.

8:55 Daily Worship: This allows us all to come together as a whole school. We use our core values, the church calendar and current affairs to provide our themes. We also have a Celebration Assembly on a Friday where children are rewarded for their achievements both inside and outside of school. Parents are invited to this assembly which helps our children feel even more special.

9:15  Mathematics: We teach in single-aged classes where all children are supported to access the mathematics curriculum for their level. We teach children using a mastery approach to help broaden a child's knowledge and see how mathematics is used in real life.

10:20 Break: All chidlren from across the school play together in our beautiful outdoor space. Our play leaders make sure that there is a range of equipment and different activities for all children to enjoy.

10:45 Phonics / English Reading: Children in Reception and Key Stage 1 are in their Phonics groups which allows them to build up their phonics knowledge in order that they can read and write with greater fluency and accuracy. Teacher assessments allow for movement between these groups in order that learning is pitched at an appropriate level.Children in Key Stage 2 focus on Reading.

11:10 English: We encourage our children to gain a love of literature through using quality texts that allow them to develop their reading and writing through our structured English programme.

12:10 Lunchtime: Children eat together in our school hall or if the weather is good, outside on our picnic benches. Children can eat a hot school lunch or a packed lunch from home. Our lunchtime staff ensure that children participate in fun activities with their friends. We also offer sports clubs with outside providers during this time.

1:00 Drop Everything And Read time: Afternoon lessons start with Registration and Reading where we expose all children to quality literature to help improve their comprehension skills and further develop a love of reading.

1:15 Afternoon lessons: The afternoon allows for a wider curriculum. Children are taught a range of subjects by their class teacher including two hours of PE each week. We teach French as our Modern Foreign Language, encourage all children to play an instrument and code using computers. We support the teaching of our subjects by inviting visitors in, taking trips out and encouraging hands-on experiential learning.

3:00 Class novel: This is the perfect time to wind down after a fun-filled day and share a class book that continues throughout the year.

3:15 End of the day: Children are led out by their teachers to the playground. Teachers and the headteacher are available on the playground at this time. Families are able to use our outside facilities until 4:00 which helps foster our community relationships.

3:15 After-school clubs: Children are invited to attend a range of after-school activities run by teachers, outside agencies and a growing number of parent volunteers!



Our School Week

Our official day lasts from 8:45 am until 3:15 pm, our children are in school for six and a half hours each day. This means that this amounts to 32.5 hours in a typical week in line with the government White Paper 'Opportunity for all: strong schools with great teachers for your child'
