We would like children to look smart in school and to wear the correct school uniform. The only items that have to have a school logo are; school sweatshirt or cardigan, PE t-shirt and book bag. The full range of uniform is available from ‘Rag Tags’ in Blandford.
Blue sweatshirt/cardigan with logo
White polo with logo or without logo (plain)
Grey or black school trousers*
Grey pinafore, skirt or shorts*
Royal blue gingham dress for summer - optional*
Black school shoes*
Sensible sandals for summer- optional*
Plain grey tights or black,white or grey socks*
Blue PE T-shirt with logo
Black PE shorts *
Trainers/plimsolls for games lessons *
*These items can be purchased from any uniform provider, including larger supermarkets - we may also be able to help out with second hand uniform.
- All school uniform must be named with name tapes.
- Trainers are not allowed, except for PE and games lessons.
It is school policy that long hair is tied back. No extreme haircuts or colours are permitted. No jewellery or ‘fancy’ bright coloured hairbands are permitted. Only small studs are permitted for children with pierced ears which must be covered with plasters (supplied by parents) for PE lessons.