Contact Details


CofE Primary School

Growing and maturing in our learning journey ‘They are like trees that grow beside a stream, That bear fruit at the right time, And whose leaves do not dry up, They succeed in everything they do’ Psalms 1:3


‘Do for others what you want them to do for you’ Matthew 7:12


‘Our love should not just be words and talk; it must be true love which shows itself in action’ 1 John 3:18


‘Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord’ Lamentations 3:40


‘The Lord is loving and merciful, slow to become angry and full of constant love’ Psalms 145 8:9


‘For the body itself is not made up of only one part, but of many parts’ 1 Corinthians 12:14


‘Happy is the person who remains faithful under trials’ James 1:12


Frequently Asked Questions

As a member of our school community, you will find that our doors are always open. Teachers and other staff are available for you to discuss any matter with. If you are a prospective member of our school community we are also keen to open the doors and welcome you in. You can contact the school office to book a tour at any time. 

However we have tried to gather some of the most frequently asked questions on this page.


Where can I get the school uniform from?

Our school uniform sweatshirt can be bought from Ragtags in Blandford. All other items can be found in Supermarkets or High Street stores. If you have any difficulties with any item of clothing, please contact the office.

What time is the playground supervised from in the morning?

School staff are welcoming the children in to school from 8.30 am each morning. The school doors then open at 8.45 am for children to enter their classrooms for registration.

How do I find out how my child is doing?

We have parents' evenings each term and we also send out reports at the end of the Spring Term. We hold a number of events through the year where parents are invited in to school. We also like to keep parents updated through the use of our MarvellousME app. Class teachers are also available at the end of each day if you have any matter that you wish to discuss. 
